Mysteries of Rockfort
Escape game 12+

Mysteries of Rockfort

2 - 8 people70 minutesAverage
The final battle is approaching, dark forces have infiltrated Hogwarts. Assemble Dumbledore's army, find the Death Eater's memory and defeat the dark forces forever!
Large companyBeginnersWith childrenBeginnersBeginnersLarge company

Not scary
Without actorsActors
SlovenčinaGame language
About the escape room

The final battle is fast approaching, and dark forces are trying to infiltrate our fortress. The Dark Lord has managed to penetrate Hogwarts and, with the aid of one of his followers, has hidden an object infected with black magic within its bowels. However, it cannot be found even with spells and the most potent magic. There is, however, one possibility to find this object. It is the memory of a Death Eater who hid it. Your main task is to find his memory and, thanks to it, trace the enchanted object. Without this memory, you leave the fate of the world to chance. ASSEMBLE DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY AND TOGETHER DEFEAT THE DARK FORCES ONCE AND FOR ALL!


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In the underpass on the main street.
Paid Parking


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